Oregon Trail - Laser Cast 147gr | The High Road
Nov 21, 2008 · Has anyone ever loaded 147g Oregon Trail - Laser Cast bullets in 9mm? These bullets have a rather fat nose and i had to turn the 124g RN ones down to 1.050 OAL to chamber in a match grade barrel. I could have probably gotten away with 1.12-1.13 OAL in a regular barrel. It seem allot of people...
Kudos to Howell Old West Conversions | The High Road
Jan 27, 2017 · I have fired around 70 rounds through it now and am very satisfied with its performance. I am firing 200 grain Oregon Trail RNFP laser cast bullets with light Trail Boss loads and am very happy with the results. While the cylinder is a bit pricey at $240, it has easily doubled my enjoyment of my 1858.
9mm Load data for 115 Gr Coated Lead Round Nose | The High …
Mar 10, 2021 · It’s good to first check with the bullet manufacturer to see what they recommend. Regarding the LRN load data from Hodgdon - From the load data I’ve seen, the charge weight for pistol cartridge LRN bullets without numerous lube grooves and about the same shape as FMJ is not much different than FMJ bullet max loads at the same OAL.
"Cowboy load" .44 shoots REALLY high. | The High Road
Jan 30, 2009 · I loaded up some 240 grain Oregon Trails LaserCast LSWC bullets in .44 Magnum brass, over 6.5 grains of IMR Trail Boss.
The High Road
The Best Gun Forum on the Internet. A forum for the discussion of thoughts, knowledge , and recent news events relating to the lawful defensive use of force by civilians to prevent injury or harm by others, including but not limited to the use of firearms.
Muzzleloading for elk | The High Road
Jun 13, 2007 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
how hard of a bullet is really necessary? | The High Road
May 12, 2005 · if your not gonna be pushing rounds over a 1000fps, in 38 and 45 is it really necessary to get the ultra hard bullets? i was thinking 12 BRN would be enough? anyone have any opinions?
1894 Accuracy | The High Road
Jul 7, 2020 · I couldn't find a thread I started about 1894 loads so I'm starting another. Just a couple of pics of what my new 1894 did at 100 yards with 296/H110 and a 240 grain XTP. With the 5 shot group, I shot the first target and couldn't see the …
Lee 4 die set questions | The High Road
Nov 22, 2013 · Hey All, I'm a newbie setting up my lee press and specifically the .38 special 4 die set. On the bullet seating crimp die (3rd die)can I skip that crimp...
Bear/Hiking gun | The High Road
Feb 2, 2009 · I need some help picking out a good revolver for as trail gun. Its mostly for defense against bears. I hike in GA so I'm mostly dealing with blackbear but I'd like something that I could use up north as well. So first of all which caliber is best? 357 if great because I can use .38s for...