Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Del Fire initially started 4:20 p.m. March 10 in Los Angeles County. It has been burning on private land for 46 hours.
A storm soaking the state on Wednesday and Thursday is bringing new danger to the area hit by wildfires earlier this year.
L.A. rents have risen 0.7% for the first two months of the year, more than double the 0.3% increase for local units a year ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 8:09 p.m. in Los Angeles County. The wildfire has been burning on private land. There is ...
The Getty Villa's construction, technology, and staff training helped it survive the Palisades fire. Here's what it takes to ...
Los Angeles County said Wednesday that it’s suing Southern California Edison, alleging the utility’s equipment sparked ...
Fire investigators have not found Edison responsible for the Eaton Fire — but mounting lawsuits heighten concerns about its ...
As Los Angeles recovers from historic wildfires, both previously unsheltered and chronically homeless people are facing even ...
The former Los Angeles fire chief ousted by Mayor Karen Bass after the most destructive wildfire in city history is seeking ...
In the wake of the Palisades fire, should Malibu's Getty Villa and the Getty Center in nearby Brentwood evacuate — for good?