TNO is excited to provide cutting edge adaptive optics technology to improve the vision of the world-class Keck Observatory.
TNO has developed a 3-step plan that allows companies to choose the best route to a sustainable alternative for the nine most ...
TNO bridges policy, science and industry, by developing insightful prospective Life Cycle Assessments (LCA’s).
Through collaborations, such as the Joint Innovation Centers (JICs), TNO brings together businesses, knowledge institutions, and governments.
To accelerate the rollout of wind energy, we research and develop innovative technologies and methods for wind turbines and ...
The Toni Technik hydraulic pressure test machine 5000 kN is an advanced materials testing machine used for carrying out pressure tests on building materials and other materials. This machine is mainly ...
In the foreseeable future, the majority of vehicles on European roads will be electric, which will increase the stress on the electricity grid. Since the beginning of 2023 a European consortium of ...
The optical light microscope MeF4M is used for examination of flat surfaces and for examination of materiallographic and metallographic sections. This research into the microstructure of materials. In ...
The asphalt analyser is used to analyse the composition of asphalt. It can be used to separate the asphalt into crushed stone/gravel, filler materials and bitumen using dichloromethane and accurately ...
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) is a chromatographic technique that separates molecules based on their relative size in solution. This allows us to determine the molecular weight distribution of ...
High performance microwave destruction system. Used to unlock elements for further analysis with e.g. ICP. High performance rotor SK-15 for high pressure and temperature. Can process 15 samples in ...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a technique in which the diffraction of X-rays by a sample of interest is analyzed. When used as a basic technique (X-ray powder diffraction), it can determine the ...