ETH Zurich researchers have developed an AI tool that helps to keep bridges in operation for longer and conserve resources without running a disproportionate risk of accident. In collaboration with ...
ETH Zurich researchers show how under ultrasound, microbubbles gas-filled bubbles generate liquid jets that penetrate cell membrane like tiny pinpricks. The dynamics of jets is governed by a ...
Wind turbines have enormous potential. Indeed, both the quantity of electricity produced and the devices’ reliability have significant room for improvement. The ETH spin-off RTDT set about tackling ...
Marcel chose to study civil engineering because he wanted a field that is useful in everyday life and offers solutions to real problems. In this video, he showcases a typical day at ETH and shares ...
If you like coffee, ice cream and fermented vegetables and you want to know more about the secrets behind their creation, there are three dates in the Spring Semester you should really have in your ...
The incorporation of the non-profit limited liability company was completed in the old year, just before Christmas. “ETH Zurich Campus Heilbronn gGmbH” was entered in the commercial register at ...
This service is not located on ETH Zurich servers. The software used and the data are provided by an external partner (external page OMQ GmbH). No personal data is collected.
For the best possible start in your Master’s degree studies at ETH and in Switzerland in general we support you with numerous events. Participate and use the opportunity to meet your fellow students ...
A number of technology companies regularly advertise so-called "PhD Fellowships" in the field of computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Doctoral students at ETH Zurich may ...
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Participants use core teaching and learning concepts in higher education to analyse their teaching experience within and beyond their own disciplines. Throughout the course, they plan their own ...
The Department of Materials ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position. The successful candidate is expected to be part of a strong collaborative network ...