Tuesday, March 4, APS representatives Janet Dean, APS senior public affairs manager, and Mike Shaw, APS supervisor of ...
High winds in New Mexico may cause power outages throughout the state, along with school and business closures.
The threat of high winds and preventive power outages is something New Mexicans are going to become accustomed to — extreme weather is now part of life.
PNM has called off a power shutoff planned for Thursday afternoon in the East Mountains to mitigate wildfire risk in the area ...
The alerts from Public Service Company of New Mexico, the state's largest electric utility, marked the first time PNM has ...
A public safety power shutoff, or a “PSPS”, is something new as power companies more fully recognize how power lines can ...
Due to the extreme weather conditions and increased wildfire risk, PNM is considering a public safety shutoff in areas in New ...
PNM will be implementing a public safety power shutoff for the east Mountains. PNM says high winds and elevated fire danger are increasing the likelihood of power outages in the East Mountains. Power ...
With high winds and dry air increasing the risk of power-line-sparked wildfires throughout New Mexico, the state’s largest ...
Public Service Company of New Mexico has warned of potential power outages in Santa Fe and other areas of the region Thursday because of critical fire weather conditions in the forecast. PNM ...
The state’s largest electric utility is bracing for the winds from an upcoming storm on Thursday. PNM said power outages are possible Thursday with gusts expected to ...