While Gaines County is the center of this outbreak, infections have spread to eight other surrounding counties.
Gaines County is a vast, flat expanse far in the west of Texas: more than 1,500 square miles of sparsely populated farmland.
Many doctors have never seen measles in person. The Texas outbreak is reshaping how health systems prepare for drops in vaccinations.
The measles outbreak in Texas has escalated sharply to over 100 cases as health officials worry about the spread in other ...
The number of measles cases has risen to 159 in West Texas, according to state officials on Tuesday. Of those, 22 patients ...
A school-aged child has died in Texas following a measles outbreak, according to the CDC. Should South Dakota parents be ...
Known for his anti-vaccination stance, the new US Secretary of Health is facing his first challenge: Curbing the mainly Texas ...
After starting the new year with a spike in cases across the U.S., health professionals say those who are not vaccinated are at highest risk.
Measles had struck this West Texas town, sickening dozens of children, but at the Community Church of Seminole, more than 350 ...
The measles outbreak in Texas is growing quickly, but there have been no confirmed cases in McLennan County at this time.