Over the years, Pennsylvania’s been a hub for eye-catching license plates honoring everything from river otters to D.A.R.E to Quaker friendliness.
Jenessa Brunk and Haven Hinerman, both 7, and 9-week-old Declan Hinerman were last seen at their home in Forest Grove.
Limiting gun possession for people under 21 and allowing lawmakers with concealed handgun licenses to carry in the Capitol are among bills introduced.
After two days of dredging, a crane on Friday pulled a Ford station wagon from the Columbia River that officials believe ...
SALEM Ore. (KPTV) - Oregon House Democrats recently introduced a bill that would impose a 4% tax on tires sold in the state.
The “Vibrant Ocean” specialty plate features three shark species commonly found in Oregon. Proceeds from sales of the plates will benefit Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab, which focuses on shark ...
NEWPORT Ore. (KPTV) - A new, shark-themed license plate could soon be available for Oregon drivers, with proceeds from sales helping to benefit the Oregon State University Big Fish Lab. 3,000 vouchers ...
Oregonians can now show their love for sharks with a brand-new license plate. Vouchers are now on sale for the "Vibrant Ocean ...
Latest in series of OSU-themed specialty plates; new Beaver plate goes on sale April 7 NEWPORT, Ore. (KTVZ) – Vouchers are now on sale for a new specialty Oregon license plate that researchers hope ...
Oregon State University is selling vouchers for a new plate, where proceeds go toward the Big Fish Lab that studies the ...
NEWPORT, Ore. – Vouchers for new specialty Oregon license plates with images of sharks are available to help support research ...
A new license plate supporting Oregon State University's Big Fish Lab brings attention to Oregon's coastal sharks.