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I just need a little bit of advice. Currently running an i5-13600kf with a gigabyte 4070 on my rig but my friends are telling me to either upgrade one or both of them. I read somewhere that the i5 is ...
Hi, am bigpipe customer working fine but decided to upgrade to TPLink deco x55 and can't get a connection. Have set connection type to ppoe ...
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MS Surface Pro, 11th ed. Has had Windows Hello (fingerprint, facial, and PIN) working ever since the device was purchased. About a week ago, those stopped working, and now see this: I see some Windows ...
As-new - $49 incl courier (except RD). Currently there are five second-hand copies of Demon’s Souls showing Buy Now prices on Trade Me. The lowest of those is $65 including $6 shipping - so I believe ...
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Normally Fibre but ONT is Red light so the technician will come find break in fibre line. Normally there is a Netgear router which users connect to which is WAN back to Smart Modem 2 which then has ...