To a potential Aldi grocery store coming to town. The Albert Lea City Council on Monday approved subdividing a parcel off of the intersection of East Main Street and Blake Avenue to accommodate for a ...
Basketball Mayhem — is back and is shaping up to be a fun one. If you’re like us, you likely participated in one or more bracket contests, doing your dead-level best to pick as many winners as ...
I wanted to help get the word out about our local ACT Theater’s performance of Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons.” I was invited ...
It seems one can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about another fraud investigation or news report about ...
I’m not saying Minnesota is unpredictable, but if our weather were a person, it would be that friend who texts, “Be ready in ...
Congressman Finstad, state Sen. Dornick, state Rep. Bennett and state Rep. Mueller — all MAGAs — know by heart the next phase ...
As a longtime vendor at the Albert Lea Farmers Market, I have advocated in the past for public restrooms in the area near the ...
United Through Music” is the theme and March is “Music in Our Schools Month.” Monday’s concert featuring ALHS award-winning ...
On Feb. 28, eight sixth-grade students from St. Casimir’s School in Wells attended the Southern Minnesota Regional Science ...
Empowering at-risk Freeborn and Faribault County youth to make positive life choices by providing guidance and support from a ...
Golden K Kiwanis welcomed the new United Methodist pastor, Gad Maiga, to hear his life story and how he came to Albert Lea.
Alexandria Technical and Community College Trenton Thoms of Glenville was named to the Dean’s List for fall 2024 for ...