Under the Broad Front (Frente Amplio - FA) presidency of Yamandú Orsi, Uruguay will no longer recognize Venezuelan opposition ...
Uruguay is set for a political shift to the center-left as Yamandu Orsi took office on Saturday as the country's next ...
Yamandú Orsi, a telegenic left-leaning former mayor and history teacher, has taken office as Uruguay’s new president.
Yamandú Orsi, a telegenic left-leaning former mayor and history teacher, took office as Uruguay's new president on Saturday, ...
Uruguay’s Yamandu Orsi was sworn in on Saturday for a five-year term, with the Latin America nation returning a left-wing ...
MONTEVIDEO - Yamandu Orsi was sworn in Saturday as Uruguayan president for a five-year term. Orsi, from the left-wing ...
Uruguays political landscape shifts as Yamandu Orsi, backed by former President Jose Pepe Mujica, takes office as the nations ...
Uruguay will swear in Yamandú Orsi as its new president this Saturday, marking 40 years since the country’s return to ...
Orsi promises modern left agenda balancing welfare and growth Uruguay faces pressure from US on Chinese investments Orsi's Broad Front holds Senate majority, lacks lower house control MONTEVIDEO ...
Yamandú Orsi inaugurated as Uruguay's President, promising to strengthen social safety net and reverse economic stagnation.