Eyewitness footage captured cars stranded on flooded streets and a vehicle being swept into the sea by rising floodwaters in ...
Gran Canaria, a popular holiday hotspot in the Canary Islands, has been ravaged by catastrophic flooding, which has seen ...
Torrential rain battered Gran Canaria, Spain, causing flooding across the island, which is neighboured by the likes of ...
The flooding has affected Gran Canaria’s 850,000 residents leaving streets buried under mud and debris, and vehicles ...
Tourists on Gran Canaria have been warned to stay indoors following flooding, which has seen piles of mud and dirt cover ...
Gran Canaria has been hit by massive flooding with cars being swept into the sea as a state of 'pre-alert' was declared ...
Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands has been hit by major floods which have seen cars being swept out to sea. Tourists have ...
Huge floods have hit one of Spain's top holiday islands, with authorities warning tourists to stay indoors as cars are swept ...
Heavy rains flooded the eastern part of Gran Canaria sweeping cars away and leaving streets blanketed in mud. A sudden storm ...
A EUROPEAN holiday hot spot has been devastated by horror flash floods – with authorities warning people to stay indoors.
Telde, one of the main cities on the island of Gran Canaria, was hit by torrential rains that caused rivers and streams to ...
Eyewitness footage captured cars stranded on flooded streets and vehicle being swept into the sea by rising floodwaters in ...