There are premonitions of darkness, though. Helicopters clatter by, lorries full of soldiers pass. Posing for a family photo on the beach, they all chant, “Ditch the dictators!” Rubens, as well as ...
I t's long since been established that Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest filmmaker's to ever grace the cinematic medium. He's a born visualist, and just like his movies, tal ...
The Jewish rom-com is finally joining the Criterion Collection, and according to Irving, “Peter and I have thought of sequels.” ...
The only movie Harrison Ford ever got an Oscar nod for just turned 40 and deserves to be watched more often.
The movie keeps you guessing until the very end, making it one of the finest thrillers in Indian cinema. The Fugitive is a ...
Millennials have gotten a head start on nostalgia-based marketing, but we may have to reckon with the fact that not ...
Tom Shoval’s documentary A Letter To David, which is playing in Berlinale Special, marks a return to the festival for the ...
Plot: Comedy/Indie film. A stand-up comedy veteran hits the road to a small Wisconsin town to try to impress a "Tonight Show" ...
Outside of the main cinematic universe, the Invincible show is airing for those with an Amazon Prime subscription. I've been ...
Will Ferrell once worried that his affectionate portrayal of George W. Bush on “S.N.L.” had helped the Texan win the White ...
Sean Baker's freewheeling fractured fairy tale took top honors from both the producing and directing guilds, restoring its ...