Mayor Eric Adams’s charm campaign involved phone calls to the Trumps and a meeting with Steve Bannon. Mr. Trump showed ...
Eric Adams is more than happy to be the Justice Department ’s yo-yo. Keep me on a string, bounce me back and forth, do what ...
It must make for interesting pillow talk. The husband of a major Eric Adams ally is working for rival Andrew Cuomo in his bid ...
The NYPD leader has spent her career quietly fixing intractable problems — what happens when the biggest one is the mayor?
Kennedy-Cuomo, 30, said she found a place and is now a “proud Brooklyn resident.” But she failed to mention a key detail ...
Mayor Adams talks a big game about rolling back NYC’s sanctuary laws, but he refuses to direct his Charter Revision Commission to put the controversial issue on the ballot for voters to decide.
By Jeffery C. Mays The speech by Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, in the closing week of Black History Month, seemed to be hitting all the right historical notes. He outlined the lineage tying ...
Mayor Eric Adams insisted he will “talk to who I want” as he defended his relationship with President Trump and signaled that the Big Apple would work with the White House to enforce its ...
Attorneys for New York City Mayor Eric Adams asked a U.S. judge to dismiss with prejudice all charges against their client on Wednesday, citing alleged prosecutorial misconduct and an ...
There's been "an extraordinary flurry" of leaks by prosecutors, his lawyer said. The corruption case against New York Mayor Eric Adams should be dropped because of "an extraordinary flurry" of ...
A federal judge has indefinitely adjourned New York City Mayor Eric Adams' fraud criminal trial, but has not yet dismissed the case after last week's request from the Department of Justice.