The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has confirmed two cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer – one in LaGrange County and the other in Posey County. Michigan recently had ...
Not all Californian coastal areas are moving lower. The Santa Barbara groundwater basin, which has been continuously ...
When the presence of Chronic Wasting Disease was first discovered in Pennsylvania deerhalf a state away, locally the reaction was one of superficial concern. Wishful thinking was that the always ...
For the latest information on CWD, including detection maps, disease information and information on how to get your animal sampled please go to What is CWD? CWD is a contagious ...
Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good. They know it made its way into Pennsylvania during the 2000s and was ...
HAYWARD, Calif. (KGO) -- At least four earthquakes, ranging from preliminary magnitudes 2.7 to 3.7, struck near Hayward on Thursday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey The first earthquake ...
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) recently confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer in Northern Arkansas. In Cleburne County, two deer tested ...
The news comes after the first ever CWD case on an elk feedground was discovered in Scab Creek in December, south of Pinedale ...
BISMARCK – The North Dakota Game and Fish Department tested 1,456 animals for chronic wasting disease during the 2024 sampling season. Game and Fish confirmed 17 deer tested positive for CWD ...
Chronic wasting disease — an always fatal disease that affects deer, elk and other animals — has been spreading across the country for the past few decades. This year, it was detected for the ...