Pour ce mois de printemps, la rédaction vous a concocté une liste de nouveaux romans à ne pas rater. Auteurs reconnus ou ...
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He also warned Labour that it has to “stop debating Brexit on your opponents’ terms”. The party should “stop being so defensive about spelling out the facts, the scale of the disaster that ...
Keir Starmer’s plans for a Brexit reset could see animal welfare protections sacrificed, the government has been warned. The Prime Minister has expressed his desire to bring the country closer ...
Derrière cette perte de vitesse, un coupable indiscutable : le Brexit, “qui plombe durablement le secteur de la mode dans le pays”, explique le média européen. Selon les chiffres de Retail Economics, ...
En pleine guerre commerciale avec les Etats-Unis, cet ancien banquier central, élu nouveau chef de son parti après la ...
The former deputy prime minister believes the threat of Donald Trump’s administration has opened the doors for Sir Keir Starmer to have a much more profound repair of the damage of Brexit beyond ...
The opinions in Politics.co.uk's Comment section are those of the author. Sadiq Khan is set to tell European Union (EU) diplomats that “Brexit was a mistake” as he renews calls for closer alignment ...
Depuis le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne, les conditions pour étudier outre-Manche pour les Européens se sont ...
London mayor Sir Sadiq Khan is to tell EU diplomats "Brexit was a mistake" and argue stronger ties with the bloc would help fight Donald Trump's tariff threats. He will say the UK's withdrawal ...
He helped managed the worst impacts of Brexit in the U.K. The opposition Conservatives hoped to make the election about Trudeau, whose popularity declined as food and housing prices rose and immig ...
Au lendemain de la victoire surprise du centre droit aux élections législatives, talonné par les nationalistes indépendantistes, le Groenland cherche un gouvernement de coalition capable de déterminer ...