Vladimir Putin is considering naming a former bodyguard who once saved his life as his official successor, a Pulitzer-winning ...
President Trump wants Russia to get back into the Group of 7 economic forum of top democratic economies from which it was ...
Thousands of Ukrainian Americans, and Ukrainian refugees living in Chicago, are waiting to see what President Trump might do ...
As one who shared the hope, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, that representative government, guaranteed ...
In his 2005 speech, Vladimir Putin’s statement that ‘the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century’ set the stage for authoritarianism in Russia A year ...
Vladimir Gusinsky, who is a real entrepreneur, who had a television station and a prominent newspaper, [was] forced out.
The Soviet Union's collapse and America's current decline have remarkable similarities. The Soviet Union failed because it marginalized the entrepren ...
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday gave the green light to investment bank Goldman Sachs to offload its ...
In 1996, when Russian President Boris Yeltsin stood for reelection ... new round of factories and assets." Vladimir Putin, who abruptly replaced Yeltsin at the end of 1999, took a different ...