On Wednesday, February 12, 32 parcels of poppy ... poppy plant are controlled under Schedule II of the federal Controlled Substances Act, as morphine and codeine are naturally occurring opiates ...
How fentanyl flooded into the illicit opioid market in the United States. Unlike heroin, which is derived from the opium poppy ... to wait for a new crop to grow; if they have the precursor ...
Scraping opium resin off a seedpod in Myanmar's remote poppy fields, displaced farmer Aung Hla describes the narcotic crop as ...
Opioids can be naturally derived, often from the opium poppy plant, while others are artificially made in the lab. Natural opioids include heroin, morphine, and codeine, while artificial ones ...
Opioids are derived from the opium poppy plant (natural opioids) or synthesised in laboratories (synthetic opioids). The EU's retail heroin market is estimated to be worth at least €5.2 billion ...
Around 10% duty is imposed on pharmaceutical products from the US, while barely any duty is imposed on Indian drugs in the US ...
Myanmar's opiate economy — including the value of ... "Most of the farmers who plant poppy are displaced," he said. "Residents who can't live in their villages and fled to the jungle are working ...